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6 padomi tauku dedzināšanai un muskuļu masas palielināšanai

6 tips for burning fat and increasing muscle mass

The goal of many people to achieve their ideal height is fat burning and at the same time muscle mass gain. Most often, all human health choices are related to these two goals. However, it is important to understand that some choices can affect other outcomes, so it can be difficult to maintain balance.

So what is the biggest nuisance? It is very important that the body is provided with enough nutrition to stimulate muscle growth while burning fat to use it to gain reserve energy, and not just to increase muscle mass.

Some changes in your diet, exercise and other habits can help combine these two processes. We will recommend 6 habits that you can include in your daily life to help you achieve your goals!

1 - Increase protein intake in the diet

Did you know that protein intake is vital for muscle growth stimulation? Protein-rich diets help build lean muscle mass, providing satiety and also helping to burn fat. Basically, proteins are complex molecules that contain amino acids. These ingredients play an essential role in maintaining body tissues, hormone levels, as well as other biological processes.

2 - Training targets muscle growth, not calorie burning

Seemingly endless workouts with low work weight and many repetitions are not the way to promote muscle mass growth. Rather, it is important that exercises such as squats, pull, squats, shoulder exercises and pressing in the supments are performed with more weight. These exercises allow you to exercise more work weight and thus stimulate the development of muscle mass. That is why these exercises should be the basis for training.

3 - Reduce carbohydrate intake

To burn body fat, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates ingested. This does not mean turning them off the diet, as they remain an important source of energy to supply the necessary energy for muscle mass growth and prevent the body's energy reserves from running out. Knowing the glycemic index and the glycemic load of foods, make healthier choices. Foods with a lower glycemic index and glycemic load are usually rich in fiber and nutrients to provide you with the energy you need during the day. Such products include: oats, quinoa, whole grains, beans and brown rice.

4 - Includes healthy fats in your diet

There is an opinion that in order to burn fat, it is necessary to abandon all products that contain them. Not taking fat will endanger your health, as well as a number of important functions of the body and exclude the possibility of receiving energy from them. The body uses them to digest, absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat is used in the construction of cell membranes, as well as for the creation of a protective layer of organs. Be sure to ingest the good fats by choosing products high in omega-3, such as salmon, sardines, nuts, peanut oil, chia seeds, avocado, olive oil or coconut oil.

5 - Keep track of your calorie intake

In terms of calorie intake, the most important thing is to find a balance between the necessary muscle growth and the stimulation of accumulated fat use, which means - not to overdo it with the amount of calories ingested. Note that weight loss is less important than muscle development and weight gain. This process will require taking the amount of nutrients you need, which will produce the total amount of calories ingested, varying greatly depending on the human metabolism and other orgaand its processes.

6 - Choose high intensity workouts (HIIT)

Those who try to lose weight often make mistakes when doing very long cardio workouts. This type of workout promotes fat burning, but at the same time can reduce more muscle mass than fat. Adherents of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) say that the best way to achieve your goals is to combine different types of workouts - increasing muscle mass and losing fat mass by training fully and correctly, doing cardio, stretching and strength exercises.

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